
Ai Weiwei Ruptures

Texts by Luise Faurschou and Jens Faurschou, Jannie Haageman and Ai Weiwei

The title, Ruptures, indicates how Ai Weiwei’s life and artistic work have been marked by interruptions and upheavals, not least because of his forthright criticism of the Chinese regime, and his subsequent detention in 2011, followed by house arrest.

The book is illustrated with some of Ai Weiwei’s most important works, all of which deal with Chinese history and contemporary society, spanning from physical artworks, social activities, curatorial projects, film, design and architecture.

Politics and art often make a bad cocktail. But with Ai Weiwei as bartender his lambasting of the Chinese political system is transformed with incredible artistic panache into sublime works of art, which at the same time shift the boundaries of our traditional perception of art.