The title 'Chicotes' refers to the word used in Mexican popular speech to describe parts of old exploded car tyres.
Thus the title refers directly to the material of the work - that is, tyres that Orozco has gathered along the roadsides in Mexico. Because of the explosions the many parts are torn and ragged and look like roots, bark or seaweed. Orozco has arranged the various parts in a neat order, transforming and 'fusing' them into new totalities.

Gabriel Orozco (b. 1962) was born in Jalapa, Mexico.
He lives and works today in Mexico City, New York and Paris. Orozco is known for his photographs and videos as well as sculptures and installations. He often uses simple found objects in his work and transforms them into artworks. With this specific selection Orozco points to the object's history, which is extremely important to him since he thinks that all objects have a story to tell.

Louise Bourgeois
Alone and Together